every now and then it is fun to try new things or products out... if you have the extra funding or time... both of which are pretty tied up baby wise right now butttt i wanted to share a few of my favorite things anyway.
first.... my new moisturizer and face serum... i have wanted to try so many different products but i just feel like i am wasting so much money sometimes soooo i went to that place, you know, the place where your wallet goes to die....ulta. :) i am currently using these two products as part of my daily routine. and with being pregnant have been very fortunate with the results. see below. 45 days ago and now. :)
second...loreal lip balm... now i am a brat when it comes to lipgloss, too much color on my lips or a just all around crappy lip moisturizer. that being said i have usual suspects but was so pleasantly surprised with this lip balm with a hint of color. it's amazing! you should try some, like today.
third... EOS body lotion and shave gel. y'all they can't make your legs feel any better than this. i love that even after i shave i usually can apply a light lotion to keep my legs smooth and soft but (even on the days i don't shave, which i am sure will be fewer and fewer the closer i get to having this lil guy)i use the lotion to supplement the softness. and it's not expensive. i am all about being frugal but also getting good products.
and the list goes on...
mother's blend oil. as someone who has had stretch marks everywhere and all of her life, i am super sensitive to the body image they leave me with. i am self concisous of them to a fault. i know that i shouldn't be and that they are part of my life story but i can't help feel that way. and being pregnant has only enforced that fear. i have been using this stuff on the regular on my stomach and hips and have been blessed thus far. and not even just that, my skin feels so soft and moisturized. a pregnancy love affair.
last but not least... sweets. this has never been a big part of my life but i can't get enough of them. probably not a good thing but if that's the worst craving i have, i will take it and feed it. baking time will be had this weekend just in time for valentines day <3 :)
happy fridayyy lovelies.